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Resources Outreach Center has set specific goals to guide its endeavors, including:

Facilitating healing and recovery among children, youth, parents, and families affected by SUDs and mental health challenges who are either involved—or at risk of involvement—with the child welfare and family judicial systems.

Promoting the social and emotional well-being of children and youth who have experienced maltreatment, exposure to violence, or trauma associated with parental substance misuse and mental health challenges.

Advancing racial equity and supporting underserved communities while improving access for special populations, including Tribes.

By focusing on these goals, ROC aims to foster collaboration among agencies, develop a shared understanding of the needs and challenges facing affected families, and ultimately improve outcomes for children, youth, and families grappling with substance abuse and mental health issues within the context of child welfare and family judicial systems.

Our Mission

Our mission is to empower individuals facing substance abuse and mental health challenges by providing compassionate outreach, education, and resources. We strive to create a supportive community that fosters healing, resilience, and lasting positive change. Through collaboration and advocacy, we aim to break down stigmas, promote access to quality care, and inspire individuals on their journey towards recovery and mental well-being."

       Our Vision

"Empowering lives, fostering recovery, and cultivating hope. Our vision is a world where every individual impacted by substance abuse finds the support they need to thrive. Together, we envision communities free from the grip of addiction, where healing and wellness are accessible to all."

Meetup Event


​Resources Outreach Center saved my life! Thanks to them the outstanding work they did with me I am over 4 years clean from a 7 year IV heroin addiction. I now volunteer at a  rehab and help others! The case mangers were amazing I try to be similar to them with my own work. Tony P


Resources Outreach Center saved my life. This program gave me many lifelong tools on how to stay sober, for the long term. During my stay at ROC Recovery I had the opportunity to take advantage of all therapy groups presented to me and really walk away with solutions every time. Freedom from my addiction and relationships with my loved ones are the greatest gifts I obtained from this program. If it wasn’t for this program I wouldn’t be where I am at today, I would probably be dead.
Jack — July 2007


Stand-up Meeting

Our Goal, Vision & Commitment

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With out RESOURCES We can seek achievements for ourselves and forget about progress and prosperity for our community… Our ambitions must be broad enough to include the community in helping them achieve their Recovery, Goals and Plans.


Leslie Williams is a remarkable individual with a deep passion for helping those struggling with substance abuse and mental illness. Her journey, marked by personal experiences with family members facing addiction, has propelled her to make a significant impact in her community. Here's an overview of Leslie's accomplishments and endeavors:

  1. Founder of Resources Outreach Center: In 2006, Leslie Williams established Resources Outreach Center, a non-profit organization dedicated to supporting individuals dealing with substance abuse and mental health challenges. Through this organization, Leslie has been able to provide valuable resources and assistance to those in need.

  2. Educational Background: Leslie holds a Master's degree in Human Services, which has equipped her with the knowledge and skills necessary to address the complex needs of individuals facing addiction and mental illness.

  3. Entrepreneurial Ventures: Leslie's entrepreneurial spirit is evident in her diverse ventures, including two boutiques, a daycare center, a mental health agency, and a homecare agency in North Carolina. Her ability to successfully manage multiple businesses demonstrates her leadership and business acumen.

  4. Community Engagement and Mentorship: Leslie's commitment to empowering young adults and girls is evident through her initiatives such as the Entrepreneur Hub in New Haven, CT, aimed at teaching entrepreneurship skills to young adults. Additionally, her mentoring program, SHESME, provides support and guidance to help young girls overcome physical and mental trauma, turning pain into purpose.

  5. Vision for the Future: Leslie's aspirations extend beyond her current endeavors. She desires to collaborate with organizations and community partners to establish homeless homes specifically tailored for women and children, recognizing the importance of providing a safe and supportive environment for those in need.

Leslie Williams' dedication to making a difference in the lives of others, coupled with her entrepreneurial drive and compassionate spirit, serves as an inspiration to her community and beyond. Her holistic approach to addressing social issues demonstrates her commitment to creating positive change and uplifting those facing adversity.

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I am no bird; and no net ensnares me; I am a free
human being with an independent will.

 Charlotte Bronte, Jane Eyre

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